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Everyone knows that salt is an essential part of cooking and typically the first spice you stock in your kitchen. It’s even a traditional housewarming gift so that “your life will always have flavor.” You might only think of salt as something you toss in your cart at the grocery. You might just grab whatever brand you grew up with—the one featuring a girl holding an umbrella. But salt can be so much more than that.

I eat salads every day for lunch. I've always loved them, I especially love topping salads with a protein or root vegetable, piping hot from the skillet or oven. A big piece of pan seared salmon on a perfectly-dressed bed of greens. A serving of pulled chicken atop a bowl of creamy slaw. A bowl piled up with olive oil-dressed greens, grains and crispy, roasted sweet potatoes. Those are my kind of salads.

What are your plans this Valentine’s Day? Consider going a little beyond the heart-shaped box of chocolates from the drugstore. It might seem unconventional, but consider truffles of the sweet—and the more savory kind. White Truffle Oil and Black Truffle Oil make this celebrated ingredient more accessible.

Even casual fans of the Food Network personality Ina Garten know she’s devoted to quality. In her TV show “Barefoot Contessa,” she often emphasizes using “goodolive oil” and “good vanilla.”Madagascar vanilla beans often come up in her baking. They’re also one of the most-searched-for products. Are you curious about what to do with vanilla beans yourself?

spice company

Our name may be “Red Stick Spice Company,” but that’s just because “Red Stick Spice, Oil, Tea, Vinegar, Cooking Classes and Local Products Company” wouldn’t fit on a sign. If you’re looking to start a feastable adventure, browse our products. 

It's about this time of year when creative gift-giving ideas fly out the window and the "just get something...anything" mentality enters. Don't abandon your creativity quite yet. Consider Red Stick Spice your tour guide. Embark on an exploration of completely delicious, totally giftable and impeccably creative gifts. From the Netflix-watching, popcorn munching snack master in your life to the "this needs more heat, pass the hot sauce" heat maestro, we've got you covered

The holiday season is nearly synonymous with baking and cooking. Over these few months, you probably spend more time in the kitchen than the rest of the year combined!  And for us at Red Stick Spice in Baton Rouge, food is our favorite holiday custom. 

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