
Shallot Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of those products that keeps proving itself a winner in dish after dish. Shallot give a mild onion-garlic flavor to this oil making it both delicious and versatile. Check out these Five Ways with Shallot Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of those products where we sometimes wonder: what CAN'T you do with this? This is the number one seller in the store for good reason. It's delicious, versatile and sure to become a mainstay in your cooking. Check out these Five Ways with Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil!

Champaign Pear-Balsamic Dipping Sauce

Here's a simple combo with really complex results. The tanginess of our Champagne Pear Balsamic meets the smooth, richness of our Garlic Extra Virgin Olive oil. Add some Balsamic Chicken Rub and brown sugar…delectable results. Bread dip or marinate with it. We love it drizzled on a crusty loaf of bread then bake til it's warm and fragrant.

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