Honeynut Bread


1/4 cup Janway's Honey
1.5 cups luke warm water
2 tsp yeast
1/4 cup Pecan Oil
4 cups flour, divided
1/2 tsp salt

Mix together water and honey. Add yeast and wait five minutes until yeast is foamy. Add salt and pecan oil, then three of the four cups of flour and pecans. A sticky dough should then be formed.

On a table, add the last cup of flour and incorporate it while kneading the dough. To knead the dough, fold the dough over on it's self and roll it outward away from you.

Put the dough back into an oiled bowl covered with a damp rag or paper towel for it's first proof. Now you can preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place dough in a warm area and let proof for about 40 minutes or until doubled in size. On top of the preheating oven could be a great place.

Punch down the dough, then shape and put in a standard loaf pan. For a second proof, cover with a damp towel until a muffin top is formed and it has doubled in size again, about 30 minutes usually. Place in oven for 45 minutes or when it reaches an internal temperature of 190 degrees.

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