Ti Kuan Yin

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This prized, rolled oolong from China's Fujian Province involves a lengthy, 12-step oxidation and processing technique. The result is a soft, round flavor coveted by oolong enthusiasts. The subtle mineral flavor notes can be noted alongside flavors of toasted nuts and sauteed greens. 

Oolongs fall into their own category. While they're often lumped with Green Teas, their semi-oxidized state places them between a black and green tea. This level of semi oxidation means high antioxidant levels. Teas high in antioxidants are linked to positive health outcomes. Oolongs are also a source of nutrients including magnesium, Manganese, potassium, calcium, the vitamins C and K and the amino acid theanine, all in trace amounts. 

Oolong Tea. Moderate caffeine. Steep 3-5 minutes.

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