Froze: Raspberry Tea Frozen Rose

Froze'. Fun to say, even more fun to drink! Our Raspberry Patch Tea subs in for the citrus component in this simple, summertime cooler. We love the addition of Hibiscus Sugar to this one. Make a pitcher!

1 bottle Rose wine
2 cups Raspberry Patch Tea
1/2 cup simple syrup
Hibiscus Sugar

Freeze the Rose wine in a 9X13 pan at least 5 hours or until icy and slushy - it will not freeze solid due to the alcohol content.

Heat 2 cups water to boiling. Pour over 2 Tbl Raspberry Patch Herbal Tea. Steep for 15 minutes. Cool. Pour into ice cube trays or muffin tins. Freeze solid. 

Prepare glasses by running a lime wedge around the rim, or simply dip in a bit of water. Dredge the rims in Hibiscus Sugar.

In a blender, blend the frozen Rose wine, frozen Raspberry Patch Herbal Tea and simple syrup until slushy. Pour into prepared glasses. Cheers!

Catch Anne's tea tips including this Raspberry Froze on our IGTV channel on Instagram!

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