Meaux Betta Redfish

Redstick customer Lynn Debrow gave us this recipe for his Meaux Betta Redfish.  We love customer recipes, and this one is not only delicious, it's easy.  Four doesn't get much simpler.

Lynn Debrow's Meaux Betta Redfish

1 oz Red Stick Spice Meaux Betta Seasoning Blend

2-3 lbs Redfish filets


Red Stick Spice Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil


1. Heat pan to medium heat and add 1 tsp butter to pan

2. Spritz or brush redfish filets with Arbequina Olive Oil and coat with Meaux Betta Blend.

3. cook on each side 3-5 mins until completely cooked through.  Sprinkle with a little more Meaux Betta to finish.

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